Thursday 25 March 2010

Malaysia: We found our paradise - even on a budget!

Yes, we like Malaysia. As soon as we started to land we already felt more comfortable than in Indonesia - well, cannot be any worse can it?:) We arrived in Kuala Lumpur, a really cool city and we have seen the twin towers, Chinatown and Little India. Lovely people and lots of cultural stuff here. And we also had our first feet therapy - little fishes eating our dead skin (sounds yummy doesn`t it?!) - We both laughed like chickens, cause it`s tickling really badly, but it was such a great thing to do!

At the beginning it seemed FAR TOO LONG to spend 2 weeks in Malaysia (for us super-quick backpackers, as we tried to sort out Raf´s visa for India), but in the end we fell in love with this country, in any sense. The food is great (you can see this as well when you check out the latest pics, as we put on some pounds...:)), the people are absolutely charming and friendly. Still shocked by the Indonesia culture, Malaysia is another world.

Cameron Highlands is an absolute highlight. We stayed in one of our favourite places so far, Fathers Guesthouse, a bit uphill in a nice remote area where you can really chill out and enjoy movies and good food. The tea plantation is like on a postcard, you cannot see any other colour than green and even I drank tea (once in a lifetime experience:)) We also did some nice hiking with another German girl we met at Cameron Highlands and the local farmers don`t hesitate to give you a lift on their little trucks to get back to town. As we still have a few days "to kill" we decided to go to Penang/Georgetown, a little ferry ride from the mainland on the west coast of Malaysia. We, again, stayed in a great place, Stardust, and had the biggest room ever so far! 2 huge double beds just for us...oh yes...even better than home:)
Georgetown is a very historic and cultural city with lots of temples. We even had two private guides, one from a lovely Muslim man who explained us the daily prayers` procedure (with me dressed like a little Muslim follower, check out the pics on facebook!) and one from a slightly drunk Chinese chap (who still had a bottle of whiskey hidden in his pocket). At least we learned how to pray in Muslim and Buddhist style, very interesting cultures. Our personal highlight in Georgetown was Keh Lok Seh temple. The biggest and most interesting temple/site we have seen so far! And now we know that I am a pig and Raf is a monkey (who would have guessed??? - all based on the Chinese horoscope!)

We also headed to Melakka for a short trip / 1 night, a well-known historic city, occupied by the Dutch, Portugese and English, so a real European / Malay mix.

We had a great time there, well, apart from the little slide down the stairs. Yes, I managed to slip when I walked down the stairs of our hostel that I could hardly breathe and thought my back fell apart. But after "nurse Raf" put a few plasters on the wound and I had a cold beer at night, it all was less painful.
Making our way back to KL, Raf successfully managed to get a stamp in his passport - India here we come!! And then....finally: The Pearl of Paradise - Pualau Perhentian.

We did not expect too much at all and were not sure if it `s only a real touristy place with a random beach. We were wrong. It was like in a movie, a real paradise where you feel like a different person.

We stayed in Matahari Chalets (a small bungalow only for us!) and enjoyed every second. The sun was very strong, the water was crystal clear, a few water taxis were crusing around and you could have dinner right next to the sea. It was a dream, somewhere everyone should spend their honeymoon (I am not saying anything!). We also did a great snorkeling trip where we spotted turtles, coral reefs and lots of different, colourful fish (Rafi even held Nemo in his hand! - briefly - ) and .....SHARKS! - no, we did not try to play Leonardo Di Caprio in the Beach, they are actually sharks, but small ones and don`t attack humans (we were told!). It was an amazing experience to swim with the sharks and fish and we felt a little bit like heroes:)
After 2 wonderful nights/days we needed to leave this little beauty and headed towards the border of Thailand...

Arielle and Nemo (above sea level)

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