Sunday 18 April 2010

Vietnam - same same, but different.

And there we are - a few hours later and we already arrived in Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City. The border crossing was less painful but you feel a little bit unease when somebody takes away your passport and you cannot see neither your passport nor the person you gave it to. But all worked out and we arrived in Vietnam!

The first night we stayed in Saigon in a nice hotel and the city vibe is great. It is well developed and seems very different to Pnomh Penh. We we only have limited time we decided to take a motorbike (which means we have a driver and the two of us are on the same motorbike, which makes 3 people and one helmet - everything here is about Heath & Safety!). Our driver aka Speedy Gonzales took us round the city and we have seen all we wanted: The Notre Dame, a few monuments, the markets, the seafront, the Palace and the War Museum. We had a really good time and it was funny looking at the three of us: All hand in hand with our driver, crossing the street! We felt like little children trying to learn how to survive in a big city like this without being under the wheel. Unfortunately our very nice driver proved to be a bit of a criminal as we charged us twice the price as agreed. Lesson 1: Even if they say "yes" they don `t understand a thing. So even if you think you made it clear, don`t bother, pay what they ask you to.

After our short stay we headed straight to Nha Trang, although we did not plan to. But the bus to Hoi An stops here and after 10 hours in a sleeper bus (which means a bed rather than a seat!) we decided to stay overnight there. Good decision as it proved to be one of the best beaches we have ever seen and we really want to come back one day!
The next day we headed straight to Hoi An, a long journey on another sleeper bus. Which means, uncomfortable and smelly, but hey! That `s what it`s all about (is it??) Hoi An is a great old and historical city and the buildings are a mix of Chinese, Vietnamese and Japanese style. We felt like in an old movie and yes, sometimes we were in the centre of attraction and people took pictures with us/of us. Not sure if they really thought we are Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes but we kind of enjoyed those seconds of stardom.

Next stop was Hue, only 4 hours away and one of our favourite places in Vietnam. Hue was the previous capital during the Nguyen dynasty and it was really impressive to stroll around the old city walls and imagining how it was a few hundred years ago. Other than that there is not too much to do in Hue, but this historical site is a must-see on any Vietnam itinary.

After these two amazing historical cities we headed to Hanoi, the capital!
Hanoi is a nice city with a little lake, a nice old town but honestly, the people are really trying their BEST to get to your money. One day we walked along the streets of Hanoi and a market woman put her pineapple carrier on Rafs shoulders. He tried to say "no, I am okay, no thanks, no, no noooooooo" but it was too late: He already took over her job and with her hat on his head, he could really be a Vietnamese market boy selling pineapples. Of course this was not a nice gesture of her and once we took the picture we had to buy the slightly overpriced pineapples. Oh well.
Anyway, after a few organisational things such as getting the japanese railpass (where we walked for 3 hours to get it!!) and sorting out Halong Bay we left for our trip to Halong Bay the next day. It all seemed wonderful: 2 days, 1 night -everything organised, food included etc. Good times! Well, the reality was, of course, a bit different. Once we arrived in Halong City we waited for over one hour until we could go on one of the boats. We realised, that they did not split the 3 groups (one day, 2 days, 3 days) so we were all in one boat, literally. We also realised that our guide sucks. Not only he admitted that he is "not really intelligent" and his name is "from his Grandfather who wanted him to be intelligent (quote by himself!)" but he did not get the simplest things right. After we boarded, we needed to disembark after 30 mintes, as there were problems with the boat. Of course, the people who booked only a one day tour were slightly pissed off, as they were supposed to see the beauty of Halong Bays island, and not just the pier. Anyway, after we boarded the second boat, we had lunch (3 hours too late, but hey!) and - in the end, the people who were expecting a 4 hours full day tour, were asked to leave the boat. People started to get really angry, shouting at the guide and wanting their money back -a perfect start!

After 4pm we finally moved away from the pier and got to see this beautiful landscape of more than 1000 islands. No wonder it is a UNESCO world heritage site - it is really amazing.
After we headed to some lovely floating villages - they even have their own bank! - we had dinner on the boat and got our keys for our cabins. At first, there was a little "misunderstanding" as they offered as bunk beds instead of twin or double beds (bunk beds aren`t as romantic for couples I would say, and when we booked the tour they said we ll get a double OF COURSE), but we fighted for it and in the end got a twin. However, one girl needed to share her bed with 3 guys as the tour operators could not count til 16 (that s the number of beds on board). Well, it` s Vietnam. The second day was very chilled out as well, we sat in chairs on deck and looked at this amazing natural spectacle. In the end we had a good time and we just needed to accept that Vietnam would not be Vietnam if it was organised. Oh, another pineapple story (don t worry, I will finish here, but it s a good one:))One English guy bought a lovely looking fresh and fruity pineapple from one of the market women who got on and off the boat. He tried it and his face looked like a squeezed peach - he said "It` s pure vinegar". Unbelievable - they basically put the pineapple in vinegar to preserve the "fruity" colour but in the end you cannot eat it. Another ripp off, and it seems they make all the money with pineapples!

Back from Halong City to Hanoi and another cruelling ride to Sapa, North Vietnam - We had a really comfy bus and we never slept that well in an overnight bus before - or maybe we get used to it so much that one day we only can sleep in busses? Maybe.

Sapa was great - you see different hilltribe women and children selling handcraft and food. Sometimes they follow you - FOR AGES - until you make it clear that you don t need another bag/purse/gloves etc. At one time we had 2 women who would not leave us for more than one hour, we also planned our espace through another door, but no, it seems they can split into a few of them! We stayed there for only one night, but got to see Cat Cat Village (a sweaty walk, but worth it as the views are amazing) and downtown Sapa including Ham Son - a short walk up the mountain with nice gardens, lakes - very nice views indeed!

The next day/night we took the bus back to Hanoi, as the border crossing to China seemed best from there. It was another "painful" decision, knowing you are only 40 km from the border to China but to get to where you want it`s easier, less expensive and simply better to go all the way back to Hanoi (with a very uncomfy bus!) and from there 4 hours to Lang Som, 30 minutes to Dong Dang and another motorbike ride to the border. OMIGOD!!Once we crossed the border to China there were no ATMS whatsover and because of 50p we could not take a bus directly to Nanning but needed to take ANOTHER taxi ride to town to get cash. After buying the bus ticket to Nanning from there we thought, great - at least we can get some food now, as we are starving! However, we suddenly realised that we need to change the time to one hour ahead - so AGAIN, no rest, no food, and another ride....After 3 hours we arrived in Nanning like zombies, but - the next bus to the final destination was in - ONE HOUR - pressing our teeth together, we managed to find a kind of Burger King (oh yes, after 24 hours of madness, junk food!) and went on ANOTHER journey of 6 hours....However, we finally arrived in Guilin at midnight, after 30 hours of travelling, changing busses, taxis etc. OH YESSSSSSSSSSSS

Raf and Mel aka. "Rien ne va plus"

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